Only a competitor may protest another competitor(s). A protest must be filed in writing/email with the Race Director within seven days of the completion of the race. The Race Director may opt to forward to The Ride & Tie Association Protest Committee for a decision. If the Ride Manager defers the decision to the Protest Committee, the chairperson shall:
- Ensure that all protest committee members declare any possible conflicts of interest.
- Allow any members of the protest committee who saw the incident to give evidence.
The Race Director or Protest Committee shall:
- Make sure that each party has a copy of or the opportunity to read the protest and ask each of them to tell their story.
- Decide on the protest.
- Inform the parties and give them a copy of the facts found, conclusions and rules that apply, and the decision.
- File the protest with Protest Committee records.
If either party wishes to appeal the decision, the appeal must be filed in writing/email within seven days of notification to The Ride and Tie Association Appeals Committee whose decision is final.
Published January 2022