Ride & Tie Clinics
Check the Schedule of Events to see if there is a Ride & Tie clinic already offered near you or contact a mentor to see if they would be willing to host one. Clinics may also be offered in conjunction with a scheduled Ride & Tie event. Check with the Ride Manager/Organizer if one is not offered but you and others would be interested in learning more about the sport of Ride and Tie. You can learn what all is involved, check out the tack and gear everyone uses, learn some strategy, and see how easy it is to get involved.
Some endurance riding organizations may offer either an intro ride and/or a clinic for endurance riding and would be open to including a R&T clinic as part of their event. Clinics may be offered as a ground clinic, no horses required; or, you may be welcome to bring your horse to find out if he’s as interested in the sport as you are. If there are enough horses and interested individuals, it may be possible to assemble some teams and do a practice ride and tie.