Race Directors, please use the electronic sanction agreement below.
Name of Event (required)
Event Contact Name (required)
Event Contact Phone (required)
Event Contact Email (required)
Event Date(s) (required)
Event Location (required) - Please be as accurate as possible, include city, state, and zip code.
Distance(s) in miles (required) If more than one distance, enter all distances separated by a comma (e.g. 15, 25, 35).
Is this race: Elevator: (required) YesNo See special rules on elevator rides: rideandtie.org/resources/ride-manager
Equathon: (required) YesNo To learn more about Equathon: rideandtie.org/what-is-equathon
Is this also a sanctioned AERC endurance ride? (required) YesNo
Ride & Tie is offering a stipend to AERC sanctioned Endurance Rides in 2023 which also offer a Ride & Tie Race for the very first time. The stipend will be distributed after the completion of the event in the following amounts:
$100 for offering and promoting the Ride and Tie Race at your AERC Event and an additional $200 if you have any participants in the Ride and Tie at your AERC Event.
You must apply for the stipend (with this form) at least 60 days before the event. To apply for a stipend you must agree to actively promote the Ride & Tie portion of your event in your marketing and branding materials. You must provide completion and other awards to the Ride and Tie competitors. You must submit race results, membership forms (for new or renewing members), a financial form, and sanctioning fees ($10/team up to a max of $100/day) within 14 days after the completion of the race.
To apply to be considered for a stipend, please initial here:
What AERC region is your ride in?
Have you ever offered a Ride and Tie race at this ride? YesNo
How many days during your event will Ride and Tie and/or Equathon be offered?
The Ride & Tie Association and Southeast Endurance Riders Association (SERA) are partners allowing participating SERA members to accumulate SERA miles and be eligible for SERA Ride & Tie year end awards as well as supporting SERA in its mission to strengthen Endurance events. If you are in the Southeast (including Virginia), consider sanctioning your race with SERA as well. Cost is $3.00 per team all of which goes to the SERA. To sanction with SERA go to seraonline.org/SERASecurSanction.php
An insurance certificate will be issued to the Ride manager for the location of the ride. Please list all entities (government and/or private property owners) that require certificates of "Also Insured", their complete mailing address, and any additional information or necessary wording. The insurance covers the ride manager and landowner(s) for the day before and the day after the event. The insurance does NOT cover competitors on those two days. If a competitor damages property on one of those days he or she would be completely liable for the damages.
Insurance can only be issued to a Race Director who is a member of the Ride & Tie Association. Failure to join or renew your membership will nullify your insurance. Because you are helping our sport by working as a Director, we gratefully offer you a complimentary membership. To renew or join, go to rideandtie.org/membership.
There must be one sanctioned event with a minimum distance of 20 miles or longer.
The event must be run according to the Association's Rules of Ride and Tie.
A licensed veterinarian must check each horse before, during and after the event.
All veterinary checks must be of the "stop & go" variety (i.e., the horse must meet predetermined recovery criteria before continuing). No mandatory holds are allowed, with one exception: A horse having metabolic problems may be held at the discretion of the veterinarian.
Request for Sanctioning must be sixty (60) days in advance of the event or within one week of its announcement if less than two months from date of event.
The event management must ensure participants are members of The Ride and Tie Association for all sanctioned events. If the participant is not a current year or lifetime member, a Membership form must be filled out and the appropriate fee collected. If, due to faulty or slow updating of membership listings, the participant joined but was not yet listed, The Ride and Tie Association will refund the second payment in full by mail following the race.
All sanctioned events must use the Ride and Tie Association's liability insurance. The cost for certificates of "also Insured" and per team fees are included in the Sanctioning Fee.
Requests to add additional insureds must be received no later than 15 days prior to the event.
A financial summary form, including insurance and membership fees, membership forms, and race results must be sent to the Association within two weeks following completion of the event.
Name of Race Director (required)
Race Director Address (required)
Race Director Phone (required)
Race Director Email (required)
Additional information to include any specific language required on the Certificate of Insurance (required)
Names and Addresses of Additional Insureds List all entities that require certificates of "Also Insured", their complete mailing address, and any additional information we may need.
Insured #1 Name
Relationship SponsorLandownerOther
Additional Information to include any specific language required on the Certificate of Insurance
Do you have additional insureds?YesNo
Insured #2 Name
Insured #3 Name
Insured #4 Name
For questions and/or written correspondence regarding sanctioning please contact:
Sanctioning Officer Rhonda Venable 10102 Fire Tower Rd Toano, VA 23168
events@rideandtie.org 757-870-3837